2022 AOP Coteaux Bourguignons

Chapuis et Chapuis

Regular price $65 750ml Sale


Gamay from Juliénas in Beaujolais. 10 day whole bunch maceration, then pressed off. Aged in used barrels for 5 months before being racked to tank to settle. Not fined or filtered. 10ppm SO2 before bottling. 14% alc.

Rich red colour. Amazing perfume! Clear, with dark cherries, plums and blueberries. Nice little spice lift wrapped around the rich generous fruit. Has power, depth and freshness with a small chalky sensation on the finish. Medium bodied, with a crunchy full mid palate. Structured grippy ending. You could almost trade in your Syrah for this if you were eating a steak. Really delicious!

Coteaux Bourguignons
AOP Coteaux Bourguignons
2022 AOP Coteaux Bourguignons